A beautiful mess

如果只有兩年可以揮霍, 那就留給紐約吧!

The night at O’Hare

with 10 comments

Camping at O'hare airport

This is not my first time spending the night in airport.

But this time is different. Kenneth and I were planning to go to downtown Chicago. However, because each of us had two pieces of luggage (so it’s 4 pieces in total), and there was no way we’d carry them on the subway and pull it all along on the street in Chicago, we ended up staying at the airport instead.

Thank god they have relatively inexpensive wireless hotspot in O’Hare ($6.95 for 24-hour access compared to some bloody places usually charge $3 per hour). So, here is how it goes, we took up two benches and totally made ourselves at home (well, at least Kenneth did). I roughly took 20 minutes nap that night and surf on the internet all the time. It was actually a quite fun experience ‘coz I never know there’d be so many other people at the airport at 3 in the morning (they are not surfing on the internet though, just taking nap).

I like this photo.

-Natura Black+Fuji xtra400

Written by katyyen

January 11, 2007 at 23:04

10 Responses

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  1. hehe sounds interesting-
    i sent u a mail yesterday, hope u get it soon-
    btw, tell me your cell phone number


    January 12, 2007 at 19:19

  2. Hurrah…. i can read it!! crap i feel so banana :S

    Daniel Lee

    January 13, 2007 at 01:45

  3. 真是瘋狂的setup ^^|||


    January 13, 2007 at 23:53

  4. @Anna
    yaa….I will tell you when I get it, and I still use the same cell number (if you still remember it…if not, let me know)!!

    hehe…yup…you banana!!! jk=P

    這也是逼不得已阿,在機場待一晚的感想就是,好想回家洗澡@@ 哈…


    January 14, 2007 at 01:43

  5. 不過有無線網路陪伴真好,
    一次是呆坐在椅子上望著窗外的路燈發呆. Orz (羨慕中)


    January 14, 2007 at 03:35

  6. hm i have only your london number- u mean u r using same number as that one? or which u used in WI before?
    if the latter, i dont remember it. hehe

    anyways- enjoy ur vacation haha


    January 15, 2007 at 07:38

  7. 轉瞬間





    January 17, 2007 at 22:44

  8. @Alto


    January 18, 2007 at 15:07

  9. 別這麼客氣啦 ^.~!
    盡量用 . 盡量用囉 ^_^


    January 19, 2007 at 03:07

  10. I spent overnight at O’Hare twice, those were years ago. The first time they didn’t have those fixed bars with those bench, so I pulled two together and had a good night sleep, also took and a wiping “dry clean” (learned from army service years) in the bathroom later! But the second time was pain in the butt, they have those fixed bars on the bench so I couldn’t sleep well, and there was no wireless network at O’Hare back then, plus the air condition was kind of down after midnight… Anyway I will spend money for a hotel room next time, no more bench nights!


    February 3, 2007 at 14:23

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